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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Sales Leadership

The Power of Questions

One of the most important things I can do with my clients in my role as an Executive Coach is to ask powerful questions that stimulate thoughts and help them find new possibilities. Prior to becoming an Executive Coach and Enneagram Teacher, I spent twenty years working in sales, management and leadership positions within the healthcare industry. As many of our clients continue to prepare for healthcare reform and its potential impact on their business and our U.S. economy, I find my questions provoke more reflection than ever before. 

Today I would like to share with you 10 of my favorite questions that are designed for sales leaders and managers, and could apply to any leader or manager. My request is you pick one or two of these questions and take time over the next day or two to reflect and see what you discover. If time becomes your number one enemy (it so often does for most of us), then see how you can re-prioritize your schedule to add five to ten minutes during the day to reflect on one or two of the questions below.

After you read each question, ask yourself two more questions that might help provide new insight. First, “What helps support me?” and second, “What barriers get in my way?”

·       How well am I prepared for change?
·       Can I describe in detail the strengths of each person on my team? 
·       What is the most effective way for me to communicate and motivate each person on my team?
·       Have I set clear expectations for each member of my team? Have I asked them to re-state these to me for clarity?
·       What one improvement in my own professional development would help me the most this year?
·       What one improvement by me would help my team the most during this year?
·       What do I resist the most about my current job, and how does this impact my performance?
·       How do I initially react when faced with conflict, difficulty and stress? (Emotionally Reactive, Positive, Competent)
·       What is my development plan for each member on my team?
·       What is the single biggest improvement I can afford to bring to my team?

I hope that at least one of these questions allows you the time to reflect and discover potentially new insights that aid in your development. I’m looking forward to hearing and reading what you’re learning.

John Brambert is the President of Trinity Performance Group, a team of seasoned Executive Coaches trained in the leading worldwide coaching programs. Trinity Performance Group’s goal is to provide a wide range of executive coaching, leadership and team development, and related services to our clients.  See More in John>

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