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Friday, September 9, 2011

Enneagram Descriptions

The Enneagram is a powerful and dynamic personality system that describes nine distinct and fundamentally different patterns of thinking, feeling, and acting. Each of the nine patterns is based on an explicit perceptual filter. This filter determines the focus of your attention and how you direct your energy. Underneath each of the nine patterns is a basic proposition, or belief, about what you need in life for survival and satisfaction.

Type 1 - The Perfectionist

Believes you must be good and right to be worthy.
Consequently, Perfectionists are conscientious, responsible,
improvement-oriented, and self-controlled, but also can
be critical, resentful, and self-judging.

Strengths: Hard working; responsible; consistent; logical;
improvement – oriented

Difficult: Resentful; non-adaptable; critical; controlling;

Type 2 – The Helper
Believes you must give fully to others to be loved.
Consequently, Helpers are caring, helpful, supportive,
and relationship-oriented, but also can be prideful, overly
intrusive, and demanding.

Strengths: Relationships; responsible; supportive; likable;

Difficult: Boundaries; privilege; indirect; intense; difficulty
saying no

Type 3 – The Achiever
Believes you must accomplish and succeed to be loved.
Consequently, Performers are industrious, fast-paced,
goal focused, and efficiency- oriented, but also can be
inattentive to feelings, impatient, and image-driven.

Strengths: Confident; high energy; efficient, overcomes
problems; results oriented     

Difficult: Missing your own feelings; moving into action too
quickly; wanting too much attention from others

Type 4 – The Individualist
Believes you must obtain the longed for ideal relationship
or situation to be loved. Consequently, Romantics are
idealistic, deeply feeling, empathetic, authentic to self, but
also dramatic, moody, and sometimes self-absorbed.

Strengths: Inspiring; creative; authentic; emotional depth;
expressive; intuitive

Difficult: “Nothing” is good enough, rejected by others;
feeling different from others

Type 5 – The Observer
Believes you must protect yourself from a world that
demands too much and gives too little to assure life.
Consequently, Observers are self-sufficiency seeking, nondemanding,
analytic/thoughtful, and unobtrusive, but also
can be withholding, detached, and overly private.

Strengths: Scholarly; respectful; objective; expert;

Difficult: Isolation; detached from feelings; feelings of
intrusion; seeing requests as demands

Type 6 – The Loyalist
Believes you must gain protection and security in a
hazardous world you just can’t trust. Consequently, Loyal
Skeptics are themselves trustworthy, inquisitive, good
friends, and questioning, but also can be overly doubtful,
accusatory, and fearful.

Strengths: Thoughtful; warm; protective; devoted to others;
fair; sensitive

Difficult: Inaction; fear; wanting more proof before
decisions; pessimistic

Type 7 – The Enthusiast
Believes you must keep life up and open to assure a
good life. Consequently, Epicures are optimistic, upbeat,
possibility- and pleasure-seeking, and adventurous, but also
can be pain-avoidant, uncommitted, and self-serving.

Strengths: Curious; upbeat; engaging; quick thinker; positive

Difficult: Impulsive; unfocused; avoid pain; self-absorbed

Type 8 – The Protector
Believes you must be strong and powerful to assure protection
and regard in a tough world. Consequently, Protectors are
justice-seeking, direct, strong, and action-oriented, but also
overly impactful, excessive, and sometimes impulsive.

Strengths: Strength; direct; assertive; inspiring; leadership;
protective of others

Difficult: Sharing fear; losing control; lowering energy or
presence; demanding

Type 9 – The Mediator
Believes that to be loved and valued you must blend in
and go along to get along. Consequently, Mediators are
self-forgetting, harmony-seeking, comfortable, and steady,
but also conflict avoidant and sometimes stubborn.

Strengths: Harmonious; easy-going; caring; accepting;
mediating; trusting

Difficult: Going along to get along; saying no; conflict;
forgetting oneself; delayed decisions

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